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Topic Resources

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(based on 50 reviews)

We offer EYFS, early years foundation stage, KS1, KS2 and SEN teaching resources. powerpoints, topic resources, worksheets, labels and games.




We offer EYFS, early years foundation stage, KS1, KS2 and SEN teaching resources. powerpoints, topic resources, worksheets, labels and games.
KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklet 2

KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklet 2

This is our second SATs style Reading Comprehension booklet designed to provide a greater level of challenge in line with New Curriculum requirements. This super booklet includes additional inference and deduction questions as well as a wider range of vocabulary. It offers both fiction and non-fiction texts and is based around the topic of Lions. Although designed for Year 2 children, the booklet has also been successfully used with Year 3 children and so should serve as a highly useful resource for both year groups.
Five Fiction/Non Fiction Reading Comprehension Booklets for KS1

Five Fiction/Non Fiction Reading Comprehension Booklets for KS1

Another of our lovely packs of reading comprehension booklets based on three stories and two non-fiction texts, Designed to give children the opportunity to test their reading comprehension skills, the pack includes: - “Rapunzel” reading comprehension booklet (fiction) - “Sticking Together” reading comprehension booklet (fiction) - “The Frog Prince” reading comprehension booklet (fiction) - “Dogs” reading comprehension booklet (non fiction) - “Parrots” reading comprehension booklet (non fiction)
A Sense of Taste Topic

A Sense of Taste Topic

An lovely package based on our sense of taste. The package includes an attractive interactive PowerPoint presentation, a smartboard activity, worksheet activities and a range of food labels.
KS2 Festivals Guided Reading Comprehension Cards and a FREE resource

KS2 Festivals Guided Reading Comprehension Cards and a FREE resource

This fabulous set of KS2 non-fiction reading comprehension cards is themed around some of the most exciting festivals of the world. A wonderful way to stimulate and challenge your children whilst providing a valuable insight into some of the most celebrated festivals of the world. We would suggest that the cards be laminated so that your children can write on and wipe off when their answers have been checked.
KS1/LKS2 SATs style reading comprehension booklet (6).

KS1/LKS2 SATs style reading comprehension booklet (6).

This SATS style reading comprehension booklet is designed to give your children additional experience in tackling New Curriculum SATS style texts and questions. It offers both fiction and non-fiction texts and is based around the topic of frogs. Although designed for Year 2 children, the booklet has also been successfully trialled with Year 3 children and so should serve as a highly useful resource for both year groups.
KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklet 3

KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklet 3

This is the third in our series of SATs style Reading Comprehension booklet designed to provide a greater level of challenge in line with New Curriculum requirements. This super booklet includes additional inference and deduction questions as well as a wider range of vocabulary. It offers both fiction and non-fiction texts and is based around the topic of Donkeys. Although designed for Year 2 children, the booklet has also been successfully used with Year 3 children and so should serve as a highly useful resource for both year groups.
KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklet 4

KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklet 4

The fourth in our series of SATs style Reading Comprehension booklet designed to provide a greater level of challenge in line with New Curriculum requirements. This super booklet includes additional inference and deduction questions as well as a wider range of vocabulary. It offers both fiction and non-fiction texts and is based around the topic of Foxes. Although designed for Year 2 children, the booklet has also been successfully used with Year 3 children and so should serve as a highly useful resource for both year groups.
Shops and Shopping Topic Bundle for EYFS/KS1

Shops and Shopping Topic Bundle for EYFS/KS1

An exciting collection of resources based around the topic of shops and shopping. Includes: - PowerPoint slideshow with action buttons and animations - "1 more" money loop game - "1p more, 10p more, 10p less money loop game - 10 shopping/money topic worksheets
KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklet 5

KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklet 5

Another super SATs style Reading Comprehension booklet designed to provide a greater level of challenge in line with New Curriculum requirements. This super booklet includes additional inference and deduction questions as well as a wider range of vocabulary. It offers both fiction and non-fiction texts and is based around the topic of Grizzly Bears. Although designed for Year 2 children, the booklet has also been successfully used with Year 3 children and so should serve as a highly useful resource for both year groups.
KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklet 9 - based on the popular topic of Dinosaurs.

KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklet 9 - based on the popular topic of Dinosaurs.

The ninthth in our series of SATs style Reading Comprehension booklet designed to provide a greater level of challenge in line with New Curriculum requirements. This super booklet includes additional inference and deduction questions as well as a wider range of vocabulary. It offers both fiction, poetry and non-fiction texts and is based around the topic of Dinosaurs. Although designed for Year 2 children, the booklet has also been successfully used with Year 3 children and so should serve as a highly useful resource for both year groups.
Life Cycles - From Tadpole to Frog Topic Pack

Life Cycles - From Tadpole to Frog Topic Pack

A stimulating collection of resources based around the life cycle of a frog. The package includes: a lovely PowerPoint slideshow examining the life cycle of a frog. Includes action buttons, animations and sound; six A4 information posters illustrating and explaining the various stages in the development of tadpole to frog: seven colourful posters sequenced to illustrate the life cycle of a frog; a set of seven frog life cycle sequencing cards ready to print and laminate and a collection of worksheet activities based around the topic of lifecycles, tadpoles and frogs.
Christmas Inference and Problem Solving Booklet

Christmas Inference and Problem Solving Booklet

This lovely collection of teaching resources presents children with a challenging, stimulating and engaging PSHE scenario focussing on a difficult Christmas for Alfie. Reading for inference, problem solving, maths problems and puzzles all feature in this super resource. We are sure your children will enjoy these activities, either as classroom based tasks or as homework. (Includes answer booklet)
Year 2 Non-chronological Report Writing Pack (Reindeer)

Year 2 Non-chronological Report Writing Pack (Reindeer)

A fabulous cross-curricular resource for familiarising children with how to organise and write their own non-chronological report. This highly useful and topical resource will engage your children in writing a non-chronological report based on the fascinating topic of Reindeer. The pack includes a guide suggesting how you could use the resources with the children in your class.
The Three Little Pigs in French (Les Trois Petits Cochons)

The Three Little Pigs in French (Les Trois Petits Cochons)

Based on Three Little Pigs story, Les Trois Petits Cochons package includes 1 PowerPoint slideshow of the story, beautifully translated into French, with the option of narration for those who are less confident with correct French pronunciation. The story is presented in simple French with an English translation for teachers included at the bottom of each slide. The package provides a stimulating and engaging resource, easily usable by ALL teachers, including those who have no knowledge of French. Ideal for both KS1 and KS2. Please be sure to download the zipped file of sounds to ensure that you are able to play the narration of the story.